• Image of Your 40 day Custom Daily Kundalini Yoga Practice (Sadhana)

A 40 Day, Daily Spiritual Practice designed especially for you!!
It will include valuable breath work, meditation, and active kundalini yoga to aid in accessing your highest self. This sadhana is for all ages, body types, and fitness levels.

Please fill out this Yoga Assessment so we can fine tune your 40 day Sadhana for your highest benefit. https://goo.gl/forms/X7KJaYiSjZ5p2sKn1

Based on this assessment of your time commitment, needs, and desires, you will be prescribed a daily practice of Kundalini yoga kriya and/or meditation and breathwork ON YOUR LEVEL that you will do for 40 days straight. All instructions and the benefits of the practice will be sent by email.

With option 1, we will meet once via zoom video call to work through the practice, fine tuning it to your needs, reviewing the meditation and kriya with any necessary modifications.

With option 2, we will meet once per week via zoom(for a total of 5 zoom sessions) to work through the practice together, where I can answer any of your questions and reignite a fire to your 40 day sadhana.

I will also be your accountability partner!! After our initial meeting and practice, you will text me daily, letting me know that you have completed you Sadhana for the day. I will encourage and remind you along the way.

Purchasing thru this site works fine but our preferred payment method is CashApp at $ShaShaShines or Venmo @Shakeesha (no fees). Tips are appreciated.

Thank you so much for keeping good mamas is business. I look forward to serving you.


Spirit First!

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