• Image of Womb Healing Session (Yoni/Vaginal Steam PLUS MORE)

Please complete the intake form at least 3 days before your appointment. This healing session includes herbal tea or green smoothie or freshly made juice, Kundalini yoga session, Vaginal Steam, meditation, breath work, affirmations, and womb stimulation with castor oil and clay pack.

Yoni Steaming is an ancient tool used to maintain and produce uterine, vaginal (womb) health. Used for detoxing, strengthening, and healing physical, spiritual, and emotional womb energies.

Womb Healing Spa Sessions may help with
•Uterine Pain Relief
•Blocked Fallopian Tube
•Scar Tissue
•Fibroid Shrinkage
•Strengthening Uterine Prolapse
•Assistance with Tumors
•Irregular Menses
•Painful Menses
•Amenorrhea (Absence of Menses)
•Cleansing After Menstrual Cycles
•Bacterial Infections
•Emotional Imbalances
•Hormonal Imbalances
•Vaginal Odor
•Mucous Discharge
•Relationship Challenges
•Mind, Body & Spirit Integration
•Stress Relief
•Womb Trauma
•Cleansing and Strengthening After Childbirth
•Detox after Miscarriage

Each healing session is about 2 - 2.5 hours in length

Add an Herbal Salt Foot Bath for $40

Come ready to do some gentle yoga. For the steam, I'll provide a steaming gown but please bring something to change into afterward. Best done right before you are able to rest, either for the night or for a nap.

If you have any questions or concerns email [email protected]

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